The Michael Champagne Guide to "Quin"

Or "How I Learned to Stop Studying and Loath the Lexicon"

"Quin" is basically all your favorite words mashed together by mush-mouthed Romans.

Quin is "quī-non":

Quin abis? Quin abstineas manus? Quin cesses studere huic inutili linguae?

Quin is "qui/quae/quod non":

Nemo est quin te oderit. Nemo est quin te censeat insanum huic rei operam dantem.

Quin is "ut non":

Nemo tam amens est quin desistat perquirire lexica mortua.

Quin is "non quia", except you have to say "non" still:

Equidem cessavi studere Latinae, non quin studium me non delectabat, sed quia "quin" in ea lingua exstat.

Quin is the medieval "quod" when you're doubting something:

Non dubito quin omnes alii homines extra antrum hoc mortui sint.